Alternative Provision

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One size doesn’t fit all.

We are entering an exciting era for education. Parents, students and teachers have fought for years against the boxed stance of formal education. The one size fits all approach failing hundreds of thousands of learners year on year and very little is changing – and the bit that is, is just not changing fast enough. The Journey Alternative Provision is an academic option for those learners of whom mainstream is either not successful or appropriate. Many Alternative Provisions work on the assumption that what is failing for the learner is academia. More often than not – that is not the case. Journey allows the learner to continue an academic journey largely personalised to their circumstances.

Class sizes are no larger than 5 and students undertake a wide variety of subjects both traditional and contemporary. Ranging from the core English, Maths and Sciences, complimented with languages, humanities and computer sciences as well as the arts. The curriculum is supported with PHSE, growth mindset, British Values as well as entrepreneurial holistic approaches.

Our educators at Journey are qualified teachers and examiners with a wide wealth of experience. With a robust and constant CPR development programme, educators are constantly immersed in new and innovative ways to deliver and engage learners with a variety of barriers to overcome.

Based in Doncaster, our Learning Hub is a warm, modern, nurturing environment with all the latest technology and resources that our outstanding staff require to curate successful learning journeys.

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